Sunday, November 16, 2008


I went shopping this weekend! I bought a few shirts at HT I've been waiting to buy forever. Sadly, they didnt have my Team Edward shirt I really wanted. That was depressing. But I spent all $200 worth of my money. I'm broke now. Oh noes. I guess that's why I have a job. Well, sorry to cut off so soon, but I need to hit the sack. I spent most of my weekend at the mall (and drinking Starbucks). And I'm really tired. I'll try to update soon with a big batch of presents. :)

SL <3


Thursday, November 6, 2008


I've been lurking around the lion_lamb LJ for a while, and I made an account for all of it, because they seem to have alot of good news, no one else seems to have. But I decided I should make use of my account, so I posted my first entry. Its a couple poems I wrote forever ago that I found hiding under my bed. (Who knew?) But Go take a look, and tell me what you think. Thanks!!

SL <3

P.S. I also made a playlist for my blogger page. Check that out as well! Thanks!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy (Late) Halloween!

I tried my best to get this out before midnight, but i have failed you all. Not that that matters. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

New stuff:
over the past couple week or so, we have had LOTS and LOTS of new Twilight movie footage, including TV Spots, the Rome clip, the final trailer, stills, etc. For some reason I feel like I've already seen the movie because of all of these clips. It also doesn't help that I've read the script. (he he) But only 3 more weeks until Twilight hits theaters! I still have to buy my midnight ticket, but ill get it soon. Promise. ;) Anyone else going?? :)


I didn't get to go trick or treating this year. :( But i DID dress up. Hm I wonder who?? I just dressed up as the Joker and handed out candy. My parents wouldn't let me do the fun stuff, because i am 'too old.' Pshh I'm old....
Did YOU go trick or treating? Costume?

I still need to go to the mall. So i can get my twilight shirt for the premiere. ugh
Also, Order my Paramore shirt off the Internet. (reminder: Get credit card)

anyways, i think I'm done with my rant. Its time for me to post my thoughts.
Take a look inside my mind:

SL <3 to you all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Sorry, sorry, sorry! I havent updated since...before Breaking Dawn. I feel so bad. You see what school DOES to me?? gosh. LOTS of stuff has happened, and im not gonna write all of it down because everyone pretty much knows about it. cause its all in my twilight universe. Nothing much in my personal life. BUT i dyed my hair and got it cut today. If you get on meebo, ill show you. ;) I dont wanna post it here incase a (rapper) decides to hunt me down. haha.
Thank you Jazzi for making me her SCKATHER of the week!!! I feel so loved. (L) If it weren't for her, i wouldn't be typing any of this right now! I love you Jazzi in a family sort of way.
Ill try to update more often now, that im not as busy with school and stuff. SL <3

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A very Stressful week....

Yes. VERY very stressful. With BD coming out and all that jazz.
Okay. SO yesterday my mom gave me the whole You-need-to-calm-down-about-these-books talk. I asked her if we could go to the release party and get the book at midnight and she started going on about how there are plenty other books by other authors. And I need to calm down about this one book and how good they are. Because basically my life revolves around them. Uh huh. pff. ya right.....okay so maybe they do. Oh well. It's not my fault SMeyer made Edward so addicting.
And there are also spoilers on the internet from BD. Kinda depressing that Texas can't get a book release date right. Ever heard of numbers? And I was watching TT on Youtube and someone put the BD Epilogue Summary at the end. That so mean. AND SOMEONE found the first 7 chapters. C'mon! 2 DAYS. You can wait that long. jeeez. Even I'M not THAT desperate. The script is out too. Dang..this IS one stressful week.

OH. Got a Myspace! Add me! PM if u want the link. NO WAY am i posting it here so a ton of strangers can add me. haha.
SL <3.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Breaking Dawn!!! <3

5 more days!! That is VERY exciting. Tomorrow is the BD Sneak Peek on EW.
It's hard waiting for it, lol. I hope its something good, but it porbably won't be anything too big just because SM said she felt comfortable showing all of us this. Well, i just got done laying out in my pool and its time to eat. Short blog today! I'll write some more later or tomorrow! SL. <3

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Insanely Loud Comic Con.

Okay, you all have to agree with me when I say that the Comic Con was HUUUUGE on the Twilight panel. I was listening to Chris and Geo's podcast. I thought my speakers were gonna blow up because it was soooo loud. But it was worth it hearing what the actors had to say. Some of the questions asked were completely unnessacary. But still funny. Thanks to Ashley for going there and mentioning SCKATHERS. :)

Of course Rob got the most screams. Big shocker there
Seriously...who wouldn't scream at that? Haha.
And the scene they showed. OME. I love it. I love how they ended it with Bella being bit. That scene will never get old.
6 Days till Breaking Dawn!! I remember when there were 176 days left. 170 days later. Wow.
I got my book preordered but I'm still undecided wether or not to go to the release party. Oh, well. I'll decide last minute.
And I think something happened to SCKATHERS. We got the SCKATHER influenza of 2008. haha. Everyone died last night.
I found the entire movie script today. I downloaded it but was too afraid to read it so i deleted it. All of the scripts I had. I didnt want to go see the movie and know what was going to happen. Too much Spoilers.
*watches scene again*
Okay. Well, I think I'm done for this blog. And my hands hurt.
SL <3.